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Thursday 22 September 2016

Scrum framework

Iterative, incremental, cross-functional, selft managing, lean thinking and empirical process control. Not a methodology

High risk
large project

if waterfall suits current needs

Habits of waterfall
Predictive thinking of last 20/30 years
Cut quality to meet dates

Finds all deficiency and impediment
It puts the stress on product development to improve its engineering skills
The Gap between current practice and target practice is a measure of incompetence and competitive risk.

Iterative and incremental process has to be done in every iteration

Modifies/partially implements scrum restricts competence of scrum
Not a methodology, Efforts center on the changes in the enterprise that is needed
People are not resource and managers aren't bosses

Should led from the top and requires change by everyone in the organization

Working agreements rules

  •  Public and visible
  • Collaborative ( created by all, don't impose)
  • Shorter
  • Updated frequently
  • Violations

    • Core hours
    • Headphone time
    • Product owner availability
    • Daily standup  time
    • Equal voice and respect
    • Definition of done
    • Prepare for demo

Team size size: 7+/-2


Scrum Master
-Catalyst of team and organization effectiveness. Servant leader. Keeper of the agile flame. Master of no one. - Serve and protect the team - Remove obstacle and impediment - Observant, coach, communicator, cheerleader, motivator - Jiggle - Nurture ( cherish) - Owns the scrum process, help team to grow, deliver more value
Product Owner
- Collaborative with customer and the team to understand WHAT? - Vision and roadmap. Ensure right product is building - Provide well formed backlog and make priority - Maximize return on investment - Decision maker - Maximize return on investment - Owner of product backlog Development Team
- plan the work - Estimate the work - Co-located - Continuous improvement - Building high quality product


Sprint planning - Commit to stories for the next sprint
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Daily Scrum
Product Backlog Refinement/Story time/Backlog grooming

- Writing acceptance, adding, changing, removing, splitting and estimating
- 10% of the time of sprint, its an ongoing activity
 - Should have 3-4 sprints worth of story
- Product owner and few team members
- Last about 1 or 2 hours, frequency every few sprints

User story

  • A user story is a small vertical slice of functionality.
  • Small a few days of effort
  • Not a description of the component or technical need.
  • Starting point of ongoing collaboration
  • Three components of user stories:
    • Card [Title/Description],
    • Conversations [Story details, one or more test confirmation]
    • Product owner is the main participant, may include stakeholders, tester, developer
  • Scrum team often allocate 10% of their time
  • Confirmations [Acceptance Criteria]
  • Format -1: As <a User> I want to <do something> so that <value statement>
  • Format -2: As a <Role> I want <business value> by <Method/requirement>
  • Format -3: In order to <Achieve some value>, as a <Type of user>, I want <Some functionality>


  • Independent
  • Negotiable
  • Valuable
  • Estimable
  • Sized
  • Testable
Sprint Artifact:

Product backlog:

what controls what gets build. must be visible all the time. Product owner is the owner. Ready for deployment:
  • Split so 5-10 can be completed per sprint
  • Include basic acceptance criteria
  • Estimate enough work for 3 sprints
Waiting for refinement:
  • Large split so 1/2 can be completed for sprint
  • Estimates are large
  • 5-6 Additional sprints worth
The future:
  • Multiple sprint in size
  • If estimated very large
  • Out as far as 6 months
  • One scrum team is better to maintain a single product backlog for multiple product.
  • Multiple scrum team is better to maintain a single product backlog for single product. So they can see the common goal.
  • Many effective team use story map.
  • Technical items like ( CI, tyding up classes, patch update). Team should maintain a list and set aside some time every sprint
Sprint Backlog:
The list of product backlog that are committed for the next sprint.
Product Increment:
       The product that build in the sprint. meet the definition of done and shippable.

Not Required as part of scrum (Optional):

  • Task : PBI breaks down into task of < 1
  • Release Burndown : Amount of work remaining agains Vs number of sprints
  • Sprint Burndown : Progress within a sprint. Often mis-used

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