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Friday 7 February 2020

Docker in a nutshell

Docker is a platform or ecosystem around creating and running containers.

Docker has two components 
             Docker cli:  is the docker client. tool that we are going to issue command.
             Docker server: Docker Daemon tool that is responsible for creating images, running
             containers etc

What is container ?
  • Two containers do not share their filesystem. no sharing of data between them.
  • Namespaces/segmenting Isolating resources per process or group of process
  • Control groups(cgroups) Limit amount of resources used per process

Life cycle of a container:

It has two steps, create a image and start the container from that image.
  • Create a container:  docker create <image name>
  • Start a container:     docker start -a <container id> // -a option means give me the output
When a container is create and started and if you want to run it again with docker start, you can not override the default startup command.

Image: Single file with all the dependencies and config required to run a program. File system snapshot. very specific set of files. when we run docker, images turns into a container

Docker some basic commands:

docker run = docker create + docker start

$docker create <image name>
$ docker start -a <container id>          
// -a option means give me the output

$docker ps                                          
// to list all the currently running container
$docker ps --all                                   
// list all the container that created, its like history

$docker system prune                         
// delete  all the containers from docker daemon.

$docker logs <container id>                 
// getting all the logs that container generated

$docker stop  <container id> 
// stopping container, sigterm signals to stop and clean up

$docker kill  <container id> 
// sigkill, kill the process right now

$docker rm <image name>

$docker attach <contanierId> 
// helps to get access to container's stdin, stdout, stderr

$docker image ls 
// to see list of all docker images on your system

Execute an additional command in a running container

$docker exec -it <containerid> <command> 
// it parameter allows to input
// get into the container and run command as you can not run command from host computer.

first command: $docker run redis
second command: $docker exce -it <container-id> redis-cli

How to open terminal/shell inside a container
$docker exec -it <container-id> sh
$docker run -it busybox sh 
// you can open terminal at the time of starting your container.

$docker run -d redis
// -d option for background run , daemon

Creating a Docker File:
  • Specify a base image
  • Run some commands to install additional programs
  • Specify a command to run on container startup

The naming convention for a docker file is "Dockerfile"
A sample Dockerfile

#Use a base docker image
FROM node:alpine

#download and install a dependency
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY ./ ./

#start up command
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Two steps to run a docker file. 

  • Building the Dockerfile to create an image
  • Running the Image to run a container

$docker build . 
// it will output an id
$docker run <build image id>

Building docker image with a name:

$docker build -t <docker id, user name in docker hub>/<name of the image>:latest .
// -t indicates tag or name
$docker run  <docker id, user name in docker hub>/<name of the image>

With docker commit create image from a container:
$docker run -it alpine sh
$apk add --update redis

$docker ps // get id of the container
$docker commit -c 'CMD ["redsi-sever"]' <id container>
$docker run "new container id"

Push docker image to docker hub:
$docker push <tag name of the image>:version

If you run docker in detach mode, you may execute the below command
$docker inspect <image name>

Problem might face working with docker script first time
  • Make sure to use the right base docker image
  • Make sure you saved the file name as Dockerfile
  • When you run docker build command make sure to use . operator at the end of the command
  • Container file system is completely isolated. So make sure to copy your working directory code to docker file system. 
            WORKDIR /usr/app 
            and COPY ./ ./
  • Once you run web application using docker, you will not direct access to it using the port you assigned. As it is running on its own container. A port mappings needs to be set so that you can access the web application. 
$docker run -p 8080:8080 <imageid>
$docker run -it <docker id>/<image name> sh
//you can look inside the container

What is docker compose?
  • Separate CLI that gets installed along with Docker
  • Used to start up multiple docker containers at the same time
  • Automates some of the long winded arguments we are passing to 'docker run'
docker run <myimage> docker-compose up
docker build .
docker run <myimage>
docker-compose up --build

Launch in background: $docker-compose up -d
// -d for running in background
Stop containers:         $docker-compose down

$docker-compose status
//run this command inside of directory containing docker compose file:
$docker-compose ps
//run this command inside of directory containing docker compose file:

Running docker file with a custom file name:
$docker build -f dockerfile.dev .

How to change source code and reflect the change inside the docker container instead of building docker image every time? Docker volume is an option.

Docker volume: instead of copying put the reference to local machine filesystem and container filesystem

$docker run -p 3000:3000  -v pwd:/app CONTAINER_ID // windows
$docker run -p 3000:3000 -v ${pwd}:/app CONTAINER_ID

$docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/app <image id>
$docker run -p 3000:3000 -v app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/app CONTAINER_ID
// -v /app/node_modules means don't map with local

Equivalent docker-compose file of the above:

version: '3'
            context: .
            dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
            - "3000:3000"
            - /app/node_modules
            - .:/app

how to restart if for some error inside the container:

Restart policies:

  • "no" : Never attempt to restart this. Container if it stops or crashes
  • always: if this container stops for any reason always attempt to restart it
  • on-failure: only restart if the container stops with an error code
  • unless-stopped: always restart unless we forcibly stop it.
add in docker-compose.yml under service node, restart : always/"no"/on-failure/unless-stopped